5 Roman Children 0 0 1 1 BJUNOCREPUNDIALUILTOGAPRAETEXTAHUSISLRNUTRIXTSYTTOGAVIRILISICGENIUSS JUNOa girl's guardian spiritCREPUNDIAa baby's toy necklace also used for identificationTOGAPRAETEXTAcrimson bordered toga worn by Roman boys NUTRIXa child's slave nurseTOGAVIRILIStoga of manhoodGENIUSboy's guardian spiritBULLAcharm worn by Roman children to ward off evil spiritsPUPUSwhat a Roman child was called until given a nameDIESLUSTRICUSnaming day for a Roman babyTHIRTYthe number of days a father had to register his child Crossword Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number. Correct! Well done. Some of your answers are incorrect. Incorrect squares have been blanked out. Across: Down: A correct letter has been added. 0 Enter 1 nextpage.htm 0 30% 1 Your score is Check Hint => <= Index 1 1 1 index.htm Geneva,Arial #ffffff #000033 #bbbbee #000000 #0000ff #0000cc #000066 Remaining time: Start reading Show reading again Your time is over! Click on the button to see the reading. http://your.server.address/cgi-bin/FormMail.pl you@yourplace.com Please enter your name: