Sherman, Texas · del 21 al 27 de julio de 2002 · Jordan Family Language House

El proyecto.


Each pair will create a webpage about one of the four countries that we will be exploring during the Institute: Mexico, Chile, Spain or Argentina.  Keep the following guidelines in mind as you work on your pages:

1. The site should be useful for your students.  It should be a resource, a place for the students to go in order to learn about one of the four countries.

2.  The site should give the students practice in two or three language skills--reading, writing and/or listening (with Quickrecord, a program that you will learn to use).

3.  Each website should contain the following elements: 

Several images downloaded from the Internet or scanned-in.
Several links pertinent to your topic
A table with at least 3 columns and two rows, containing internal links or "targets" within the page to which users can jump
At least 6 bookmarks (internal links or "targets")
A "mail-to" link, enabling users to email you directly
A .wav file link, enabling users to listen to music or the spoken word in Spanish